Travel on PUrpose

After decades of research we discovered that people are yearning to travel with purpose. Some choose mission trips, while others focus on “voluntourism.” Away 2 Be is on the precipice of a paradigm shift in travel. We believe the most effective experiences begin with people and relationships.

How it works:


Choose from one of our featured destinations or choose another location you’d like to visit.

Contact Away 2 Be to help you plan, prepare and take off on your next adventure!


About Susan Lambert

Founder, Away 2 Be


Susan Lambert is the Founder and Executive Director of Away 2 Be. With over ten years of facilitation experience, nearly a decade of classroom teaching and twenty years of intercultural immersion, Susan's background is rooted in global competency, international relations and education.

She has facilitated domestic and international courses and workshops in Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership Development, Social Entrepreneurship, Global Citizenship and Education for Social Innovation. Susan is trained in Intercultural Competency, Design Thinking and Project-Based Learning and is a fluent Spanish speaker and interpreter.

Susan has facilitated strategic planning sessions for corporate, private and non-profit organizations and has led travel programs abroad for adults, families, students, and educators. She has extensive experience in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Susan has also developed and written comprehensive curriculum for corporate, travel and education-based organizations.

Nicaragua is Susan's second home, where she served as Liaison to the Casa Materna, a home for at-risk pregnant women for ten years. An avid outdoor enthusiast, Susan can often be found on rock, road, trail or river, engaging in anything that promises connection with the outdoors. She is a yoga teacher and adventurer-seeker and believes sustainable, positive change depends on the power of relationships.